letters to sam

  • to begin

    August 12, 2019 by

    Time will pass and you won’t know any of the feelings we had about you when you were little. You’ll perhaps have shadow feelings – an echo of something across time that may reach you. But the only way you’ll know what we felt about you is if we put it down. So that’s why… Read more

  • a sweet day

    November 14, 2019 by

    Today, while you were in the bathtub creating your many stories and activities, I had a wish bubble up in me. That there could be a kind of camera or video camera that could take images/movies of our lives that you could then, later, walk into and relive in that moment. To turn around in… Read more

  • desmond

    November 13, 2019 by

    You say a lot of amazing things on a daily basis. Some of them are just straight up funny. Many of them are wise beyond your four years. Some of them are both. Like yesterday: we were at the Sugar Sand Park playground around twilight. They had to close the playground soon after we got… Read more

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